In John Hall's office you will find books and other items from his time in parliament as well as a display showing information about the 1906-07 New Zealand International Exhibition, held in Hagley Park.
Kitchen Museum
The kitchen at Terrace Station was built in 1898 and used until 1971. In 2020, it became the Kitchen Museum, where you can see all sorts of fascinating items that were used by the Hall family.
The Children's Room
The children's room has clothes, books, toys, games and other items used by the four generations of children who have lived at Terrace Station.
One of the earliest toys, dating from 1816, is a table game called Schimmell or Bell and Hammer. It is played with 8 dice and 36 counters per person and the five cards are bought and sold. The undated alphabet and domino pieces are made of whalebone. Could they have been carved by members of the Hall family who owned sailing ships in the 18th and 19th centuries? A 16-piece Myriorama card set can be seen in the top level of the cabinet. Myrioramas were popular in the 1800s. A series of cards with people, buildings, or other images on compatible backgrounds can be laid out in any order allowing a child to create a variety of imaginary landscapes.