The 2010 Earthquake and recovery
In the September 2010 earthquake, many Hororata properties were severely shaken and some damaged beyond repair. Terrace Station buildings seemed to snuggle down on the river boulders and remain in place. However, the chimneys decided it was time for demolition – six of the seven from the homestead letting go of their tenuous grip and 10 from other buildings following suit. Within the homestead each room told a tale of horror as bookshelves were emptied, cabinets crashed over, and the contents spread in wild confusion. The most surprising miracle was how few paintings had fallen from the walls – and only one had broken glass. As with most homes, the pantry was a sticky mess, and bits of kitchen china ended up in the most surprising places.
Repairs began in November 2011 after most rooms had been totally emptied and the resident trustees, Richard and Kate Foster, moved to a small cottage nearby.
While this work was being done the Trust also took the opportunity to carry out other repairs and maintenance work.
In April 2012, nineteen months late after the quake, Richard and Kate returned to live in a very much remediated home. Extra insulation has made a difference to the warmth indoors. It has been a time-consuming joy to return approximately 3,000 books to their rightful places, as well as 70 portraits and paintings. Some of these have had a relocation (a change is as good as a holiday!). Volunteers have helped with unpacking, cleaning and cataloguing many items as they are returned. Visitors are again able to look into the front rooms.
Repairs began in November 2011 after most rooms had been totally emptied and the resident trustees, Richard and Kate Foster, moved to a small cottage nearby.
- Damaged laths and plaster had to be completely removed from the drawing room, dining room and morning room and were partially removed from three bedrooms. These were replaced with gib then repainted or wallpapered.
- Six chimneys were rebuilt, repaired or replaced with substitutes and a log fire was installed in the dining room.
- Brickwork was reinforced.
- Exterior walls were painted.
While this work was being done the Trust also took the opportunity to carry out other repairs and maintenance work.
- Piles were plated and foundations stones packed where necessary.
- A new top plate was installed along the North verandah.
- Verandahs were sanded and stained.
- Attic windows were removed, rebuilt, glazed and reinstated.
- A section of the south wall was lifted, and bottom plate and bottom section of the wall studs were replaced.
- Weatherboards, window frames and sills were replaced where necessary.
- The main office floor was sanded and coated with polythene and all other woodwork sanded and oiled.
- Internally, many fittings for windows, doors, picture rails, mantle pieces and library shelves were repaired and improved.
In April 2012, nineteen months late after the quake, Richard and Kate returned to live in a very much remediated home. Extra insulation has made a difference to the warmth indoors. It has been a time-consuming joy to return approximately 3,000 books to their rightful places, as well as 70 portraits and paintings. Some of these have had a relocation (a change is as good as a holiday!). Volunteers have helped with unpacking, cleaning and cataloguing many items as they are returned. Visitors are again able to look into the front rooms.